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Reasons for Shared Hosting Better Than Dedicated Hosting

WordPress website system is now the most widely used website creation platform on the internet, with more than 22% of all domains actively use it. This website program has a function to help your online business get income and provide a complete content management system.

There are more than 75 million WordPress websites on the Internet and reportedly used by many prestigious organizations. If it's pretty good for them, it's definitely good enough for your online business.

Builder flexible website.

WordPress is a very flexible program for online businesses. You have the option to post regular news items to your website and create a specific product sales page. You can choose to allow comments on your page that creates the user's content in the form of a reader's comments. Updates can be scheduled first so that the page can be aired at the previous specified time and you can create a particular particular page so that your customers only with specific URLs that can access them.

Author management.

This program allows you to have many users with various levels of authority. You can tell others to create and add content to your website without having to give them full access rights to the entire website system. You also have the ability to check and approve any updates before airing. Visit the website and get to know about best wordpress lms plugins and best wordpress landing page plugins .

WordPress website template.

When a visitor lands on your website, you only need to impress them and persuade them to stay. With a website template (called theme) you have the ability to upload various different themes in the click of a button. Some themes are free and some have a small fee and there will be a theme that provides the display and features you want for your online business. You can also easily see and exchange between themes to see which one you like the most.

WordPress website design that suits you.

Download the basic website is a compact software program and you need to add extras, or plugin, to improve the ability of your website. Many plugins are free and allow you to do a number of different things including making mailing lists, contact forms, tracking links, search engine optimization systems, website analysis, and others.

Because there are so many WordPress websites on the internet there are people around the world who develop add-ons, plugins, themes for you to download to your website. What used to be used for blogging has now developed into a very powerful program to help you create a website that will draw traffic and make money for you. You can get to know about managed wordpress vps hosting and Wordpress VPS hosting via reading online.

WooCommerce: Hide products if they don't have an associated image

When you are creating an online store  there are many tasks to perform, settings to configure and products to create or import, especially the latter.

Especially when you import products from your supplier's catalog or your own inventory product sheet, not all fields are always imported, and the image of the product is especially sensitive .

We live in a visual world, in which nobody, that is, NOBODY, will buy a product without an image that shows its appearance, characteristics.

WooCommerce, by default, can put a temporary image, or placeholder as it is usually called, on products without an image, but face it, you are not going to sell that product, and by the way you will give a regrettable image of your online store, of Ecommerce unfinished, poor, sad, that something fails, unreliable .

This happens when there is no image associated with your product on the product creation screen.

So what I propose is a fairly reasonable solution, I understand: Do not show products in your online store that do not yet have a product image, do you think?

To achieve this, you just have to add a little code at the end of the functions.php file of the active (child) theme , or if you prefer it as a customization plugin , this:

/ * Hide products without featured image * /
add_action ('woocommerce_product_query', 'custom_pre_get_posts_query');
function custom_pre_get_posts_query ($ query) {
    $ query-> set ('meta_query', array (array (
       'key' => '_thumbnail_id',
       'value' => '0',
       'compare' => '>'

Save the changes and from this moment on, any product that does not have an associated image will not be shown in your Ecommerce .

When you add an image to it it will magically appear, well, from the code above. To create online store, you need best woocommerce hosting services .